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River Line – New Jersey Transit Authority

Bombardier Transportation

ALTECH provided a wide range of personnel, including train operators, to Bombardier on a subcontract basis. ALTECH maintained the LRV operators under strict FTA guidelines and specific training requirements.


A Successful Staffing Engagement

NJ Transit Riverline: Altech provides 24/7/365-day coverage for maintenance of New Jersey Transit LRV fleet. Services include staffing, HR support, benefit administration for LRV operators, customer service, security and maintenance technicians.

New Jersey Transit Authority, Camden, NJ

Annual Ridership: 268 million

Project Timeline: 2002 – 2014

Our work continued to evolve and included:

  • Ongoing HR support co-managed by ALTECH and our customer, Bombardier Transportation in conjunction with NJT
  • ALTECH provided train operators, security personnel, administration, track maintenance, and signaling technicians.


As our ongoing project continues with the LA Metro Transit Authority, these benchmarks have been met or exceeded.

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